5 Innovative Technology Ideas for Stormwater Businesses | ComplianceGO

November 18, 20223 min read

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5 Innovative Technology Ideas for Stormwater Businesses

As our society continues to urbanize with increasing population densities, ongoing private sector development and construction services will need support from stormwater/erosion and sediment control businesses to maintain clean sites, water quality, and fish and wildlife habitats. Innovation through technology provides a smarter and more sustainable future for us all.  

1. Training and Education

Training and education are a must in order to properly communicate what is needed, quickly, and with little wasted time, resources or effort. Both the public and private sectors need training that is ongoing and is able to be measured and managed. It’s 2022 and we are not far removed from a global pandemic. Gone are the days of getting everyone in a room together. Leverage today’s online learning management systems to not only train large numbers of people in various locations but also control the exact message and objectives including validated learning with simple tests while ultimately being able to track and manage all learners on an ongoing basis.

2. Uniform Standards

It is critical that uniform standards be adopted for NPDES construction site stormwater management in order for consistent and valid results to follow. Such standards need to be agreed upon, advertised and posted, and included with the training and education above. If uniform standards are not set, then anything goes and a lot of time will be spent in confusion and pointing the finger while allowing all involved to play ignorant of responsibility.  

3. Accurate Precipitation Forecasts and Totals

Knowing when it is going to rain or snow and how much is vital to erosion and sediment control success on projects. Leveraging this data allows for planning, response, and evaluation long term which will pay huge dividends. In the world of stormwater compliance, leveraging the most precise, exact data is key. Gone are the days of relying on the nearest weather station. Today’s technology provides site-specific data that can transform how you do business while crushing the competition.  

4. BMPs

Best Management Practices in our world of erosion and sediment control are not only products but also include planning and strategy. Affordable and viable BMP solutions and practices (products and strategies) are needed in our industry to help do the job right the first time.  

5. Documentation

Stormwater compliance revolves around an engineered erosion and sediment control plan. Self-monitoring records of compliance activity are not only required by NPDES regulations within the United States, but they are also often welcomed by construction companies who have a good reputation, are responsible, and understand how dirty their job sites can be. Erosion and sediment control BMP evaluations, on site pollutant checklists, inspections, corrective action items, site map management, phasing logs, and weather data should be a minimum part of a project’s regular routine. This includes communication with all stakeholders while being able to be overseen by management. Without documentation, how can all of this be managed otherwise? Today’s technology provides all the tools necessary at our fingertips to collaborate and achieve success by properly managing erosion and sediment.

ComplianceGo is a powerful software solution designed to simplify stormwater management, streamline inspections, and ensure compliance for consultants, contractors, developers, and MS4s.


ComplianceGo is a powerful software solution designed to simplify stormwater management, streamline inspections, and ensure compliance for consultants, contractors, developers, and MS4s.

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